Cheri Young Testifies About Edward’s Love Child

Cheri Young, wife of Andrew Young the former aide to John Edwards, testified that she and her husband were in a McDonald's drive-through when her husband told her he was going to claim Edward's love child as his own.

The wife of a former aide to one-time presidential candidate John Edwards testified that she and her husband were in a McDonald’s drive-through when Andrew Young told her he was going to claim the candidate’s mistress and love child as his own.

“I was mad. I was upset. Of course I said, ‘Absolutely Not!’ I screamed at him. I cursed at him.” But Cheri Young said she went along with the plan after a conference call between herself, her husband, Edwards, and mistress Rielle Hunter. “They explained to me how John’s presidency would be good for the country, how important it was that the campaign keep going, and exactly how much money there was in it for me.”

She said Edwards assured her that using nearly a million dollars in donations to hide his pregnant mistress during the 2008 presidential campaign was legal. “Of course I believed him, because it was a lot of money” Young said.

The Young’s brought Rielle Hunter into their home as a guest to hide her from the media. She said Hunter was an expensive guest, recalling one episode with Hunter at a diner in Aspen, Colorado, when Hunter complained that her Reuben sandwich had the wrong sauce and then called her spiritual adviser and healer for help.

Cheri Young claims she and her husband wrote several checks, including one for $8,000, to help Hunter pay for her spiritual adviser’s services, although on reflection she thinks Hunter may have just been talking into the phone without actually calling anyone.

Edwards is charged with numerous offenses including breaking campaign finance laws, fraud, and would be charged with being a total dickwad if that were illegal. The defense claims the donations were private money from friends who wanted to spare Edwards’ cancer-stricken wife from finding out about the affair. “It really had nothing to do with the entire country finding-out John Edwards was a lying scumbag” Edwards attorney said.

Gay Porn Priest McVeigh Leaves Parish

Father Martin McVeigh accidentally showed gay porn to parents of children preparing for their First Holy Communion. Father McVeigh was giving a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation and the images of nude men were on a memory stick he was using. McVeigh has asked to leave his parish and take sabbatical leave from the priesthood.

McVeigh's presentation took place at a grade school in Pomeroy, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland in March. Church officials are actively investigating the case. Attendees at the presentation said they were "horrified" at what they saw, except for two fellows in the third row who simply giggled profusely.