Fighting Fires With Sound


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This fire-fighting sound system has various modes of operation. Above we see it being used against a particularly bad fried kale fire, utilizing it’s “Sarah Palin” mode. For larger fires there is a Dick Cheney mode, and a selection of Nickelback songs.

Study: Women Prefer A Large Penis

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(Click the image to read the full story at

In other Big Science News: the Earth goes around the Sun, when water gets really cold it becomes ice, and there’s gravity.

SpaceX Dragon Capsule Makes History

The first non-test flight of a reusable commercial spacecraft was a complete success as the SpaceX Dragon capsule launched, docked with the International Space Station and delivered cargo, and then returned to Earth.

A major new era in space exploration and human civilization has begun.

Bill Nye Calls Creationism Inappropriate

The world’s most respected scientist, Bill Nye The Science Guy, appears in a video called “Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children“. In the video Nye says “Your world just becomes fantastically complicated if you don’t believe in evolution”, and claims the United States is the main country where people deny the fact of evolution.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover To Attempt Mars Landing

You can watch live on various sources at 10:31 pm Pacific time Sunday / 1:31 am Eastern time Monday. Well – not really because there’s no one there to point a camera at it – but you can see the look on the NASA guy’s faces when it craters.

Giant Solar Flare To Strike Earth Tonight

A massive solar flare will strike the Earth tonight, and either cause some disruption to communications, or kill all life on the planet. We’ll let you know which tomorrow.

Microsoft Surprises No One With Tablet Announcement

Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, looking more than slightly like a deer caught in Apple’s headlights, announces Microsoft’s soon-to-fail tablet entry, the Surface. Microsoft will manufacture millions of these, pour ungodly amounts of money into marketing and sales, and in the end will dump them into the Baltic Sea along with all those millions of copies of “Bob”.

Scientists To Probe Mysterious Baltic Anomaly

Swedish researchers Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg are returning to the site of the mysterious “Baltic Anomaly”, a strange circular formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea that they discovered last year while searching for a WWI shipwreck. Speculation about the nature of the site ranges from an emerging volcano to a crashed UFO.

SpaceX Private Spacecraft Launch Scrubbed

The launch of the SpaceX private spacecraft, scheduled to dock with the International Space Station, was called-off in its final seconds due to a problem with the rocket motor. SpaceX is NASA’s private enterprise answer to hitching rides on Russian spacecraft, which is not only embarrassing but scary.

Large Hadron Collider Discovers New Particle

Scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider announced they have discovered a new particle.

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN institute in Switzerland have announced the discovery of a new particle, though not the much sought-after Higgs boson – the fundamental particle that imparts mass.

“It’s even better” the team said. “The neutral Xi_b^star baryon is even more useful than the Higgs. The Higgs would merely lead to the ability to manipulate gravity, but this new particle is thought to be responsible for hair loss and male impotence! The benefits to mankind in controlling this particle are almost unlimited! It totally justifies the enormous cost of building the collider!

Signals Detected From Distant Planet

And artist's rendering of the newly detected planet around a distant star.

NASA scientists have revealed they have detected signals from a small blue planet around a distant star. The inhabitants of the planet call it Kolob, and call themselves Mormos. Other than this the signals have as yet been undecipherable.

SOPA Supporters Get Some High-Powered Help

Supporters of the "Stop Online Piracy Act", or SOPA, brought some heavy hitters before Congressional hearings into the need for the legislation. Particularly effective at convincing some recalcitrant Senators and Representatives was Mr. Joe S. Talin, a lobbyist for various media organizations, and a former official in the now-defunct Soviet Union.

Researchers Hack Voting Machines

Innocent voting machines like this one may be subject to hacking for as little as $26.00, as demonstrated by researchers.

Computer scientists have demonstrated several ways to hack electronic voting machines. “It’s easy and cheap, and you can control the machines by remote from miles away” said one anonymous hacker working for the Republican Party Voter Fraud Development Labs in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

“We’re going to sue!” cried another researcher from the Democrat Social Realignment Via Electronic Direct Action group based in San Quentin, California. “We pioneered this technique right after the Florida elections in 2000!”